
Candi Borobudur

Borobudur adalah sebuah candi Buddha yang terletak di Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Candi berbentuk stupa ini didirikan oleh para penganut agama Buddha Mahayana sekitar abad ke-8 masehi pada masa pemerintahan wangsa Syailendra. Borobudur adalah candi atau kuil Buddha terbesar di dunia, sekaligus salah satu monumen Buddha terbesar di dunia.


Soekarno-Hatta International Airport T3

Dengan luas 422.804 meter persegi, terminal baru ini sedikit lebih besar daripada Terminal 3 Bandar Udara Internasional Changi Singapura. Memiliki 10 gerbang untuk penerbangan internasional dan 18 untuk domestik, 206 konter lapor-masuk, 38 swakonter dan 12 konter bag drop, 48 garbarata, 2 hotel bintang 4, ruang pertemuan, toko bebas cukai, toko ritel, dan gedung parkir. Juga memiliki sebuah sistem pengamanan bagasi otomatis dengan sedikitnya 13 sabuk konveyor.


Surfing (Selancar)

Selancar merupakan sebuah olahraga yang biasanya berlangsung di atas ombak yang tinggi. Olahraga ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sebilah papan sebagai alat untuk bermanuver di atas ombak. Papan tersebut akan bergerak dengan menggunakan tenaga arus ombak di bawahnya dan arahnya dikemudikan seorang peselancar. Adrenalin akan terpacu karena tertekan untuk mengarahkan papan selancar sekaligus menjaga keseimbangan.


Singapore (Kota Singa)

Nama Singapura berasal dari bahasa Melayu (Sanskrit सिंहपुर "Kota Singa"). Dewasa ini, Singapura kadang dijuluki sebagai Kota Singa. Studi sejarah membuktikan bahwa singa kemungkinan tidak pernah ada di pulau itu; makhluk yang dilihat oleh Sang Nila Utama, pendiri dan pemberi nama Singapura, bisa jadi seekor harimau.


Burj Khalifa, Dubai

Burj Khalifa (bahasa Arab برج خليفة yang berarti 'Menara Khalifa'), sebelumnya bernama Burj Dubai, adalah sebuah pencakar langit di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab yang diresmikan pembukaannya pada 4 Januari 2010. Ketinggian pencakar langit ini adalah 828 meter (2.717 kaki).

Garuda dan Citilink Promo

The unforgettable Raja Ampat Festival 2016

The unspoilt splendors of Raja Ampat in West Papua Province will again be presented to the world this year through the Raja Ampat Festival 2016 scheduled to be held on Waisai Torang Cinta Beach from 18th to 21st October 2016. The festival continues to be an essential program of the district government of  Raja Ampat aimed to promote this fascinating underwater paradise, pristine natural environment, enchanting cultural traditions, and all of the undiscovered wonders of Raja Ampat.

Carrying the theme “Lovely Raja Ampat”, the festival will be highlighted with various exciting programs including Art and Cultural Show, Traditional Culinary Fiesta, Underwater photography competition, Tourism and Handicraft exhibition, Beach Cleaning actions,  Environmental education Program, Firework Fiesta, and a whole lot more. During the festival, spectators will also get a chance to participate in post tour activities including diving, snorkeling, village tours, and bird watching. One highlight of the festival is a demonstration of traditional boating skills that have been passed down from generation to generation, which has become the traditional way of Seafaring for the Papuans.
This year, the festival will also present a Jazz Night music performance featuring some of the most prominent artists of the country: Glenn Fredly, Andre Hehanusa, Budi Do Re Mi, Edo Kondologit, and Nowela.
Raja Ampat or literally meaning "the Four Kings", is the name given to the islands located off the northwestern tip of the Bird's Head Peninsula on the main Papua Island. The four major islands here are 

 (which is home to ancient rock paintings), Salawati, and Batanta. Underwater enthusiasts flock to this region because it offers the world's best marine sights. In the Raja Ampat islands, divers can explore vertical underwater walls. The thrill of drift diving is another great challenge. These and the fascinating art and cultural performances are once in a lifetime experiences that you will find when you attend the Raja Ampat Festival.
For more information, log on to:

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The Thrilling Bekudo Bono Festival 2016

Get ready for some spectacular surfing actions! Not on a beach, but a river where the tidal waves appear to roll on forever. The thrilling Bekudo Bono Festival will again take place this year from 4th to 6th November 2016 at the Kampar River, Pelalawan Regency , Riau Province.
Only recently discovered by the international tidal river surfing community, the Bono Tidal Bore by the estuary of the Kampar River in the Riau Province is drawing surfing communities from around the world to this amazing Indonesian pororoca.
Kampar is a long river that rushes down from the Bukit Barisan mountain range which forms the spine of the island of Sumatra stretching down along its west coast. The river then meanders through the Riau province, to finally pour out into the Malacca Straits, on the east coast of Sumatra.  Along its long course the river divides itself into two large branches known as the Kampar Kanan (the right branch of Kampar) and Kampar Kiri (it’s left branch).  They then converge at Langgar in the district of Pelalawan at Kampar’s estuary. Here they are joined by many other rivers causing Kampar to funnel out into a wide river mouth. At each high tide, high waves from the sea flow in and meet the downstream current of the Kampar. Where the two opposing energies meet, - moreover, caused by the funnel shape of the river, -   Kampar’s phenomenal tidal bores emerge, rushing deep inland reaching to over 60 km. upriver.
These tidal bores are known locally as “Bono”, which rush in with loud roaring sound at a speed of 40 kilometers an hour.  The surf on the river can rise as high as 4 to 6 meters, at times creating barrels, the darling of surfers.
In February 2013, tidal bore surfer champion Steve King, who already holds two world records for long distance surf rides, broke his own Guinness World Record that he made on the Severn river in England, by riding an incredible 20.65 km (or 12.8 miles) in 1 hour, 4 minutes on the Bono bore of the Kampar river on 10-13 February 2013.

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My Love Story!! (Ore Monogatari!!) - 2015 Sub-Indo


  • Movie: My Love Story!!
  • Romaji: Ore Monogatari!!
  • Japanese: 俺物語!!
  • Director: Hayato Kawai
  • Writer: Kazune Kawahara (manga), Aruko (manga), Akiko Nogi
  • Producer: Daisuke Kadoya, Tadashi Tanaka, Akira Yamamoto
  • Cinematographer: Masato Adachi
  • Release Date: October 31, 2015
  • Runtime: 105 min.
  • Genre: Teen-Romance / Romantic-Comedy
  • Distributor: Toho
  • Language: Japanese
  • Country: Japan 


  • Movie: My Love Story!!
  • Romaji: Ore Monogatari!!
  • Japanese: 俺物語!!
  • Director: Hayato Kawai
  • Writer: Kazune Kawahara (manga), Aruko (manga), Akiko Nogi
  • Producer: Daisuke Kadoya, Tadashi Tanaka, Akira Yamamoto
  • Cinematographer: Masato Adachi
  • Release Date: October 31, 2015
  • Runtime: 105 min.
  • Genre: Teen-Romance / Romantic-Comedy
  • Distributor: Toho
  • Language: Japanese
  • Country: Japan 

The Buleleng Bali Dive Festival: Coral Reef Conservation through Ecotourism

The Buleleng Bali Dive Festival: Coral Reef Conservation through Ecotourism

23 Sep 2016

The normally quiet town of Buleleng on the northern coast of Bali will come alive when the highly  anticipated annual Buleleng Bali Dive Festival (BBDF) is staged at the Pemuteran Village  on the 23-26 October 2016.  Among divers, Pemuteran is known  worldwide for its uniquely inspiring underwater temple, which is a creative artwork involving coal reef revitalization. 
Once a barren underwater ocean landscape devastated by destructive fishing, bleaching and sedimentation, the reefs at Pemuteran Village have now been totally transformed and are the world’s largest and most successful reef restoration program, alive with underwater creatures.   

The result from collective efforts done by the local community,  Pemuteran Bay now glows with bright colourful corals, schools of fish, and counting over 70 separate stunning Biorock reefs.  The community is proud that their efforts  at coral reef conservation that were done purely with local resources have proven to be a national success that has even garnered international recognition in the form of many national and international awards  - namely the prestigious PATA Gold Award, the Equator Prize and the Millennium G20 Award.
Local hotels and dive shops led by Taman Sari Resort, Amertha Villas and Bali Diving Academy have all been involved in the restoration project by supporting community environmental education and management initiatives to promote ecotourism, making Pemuteran economically sustainable for the local community.
The Buleleng Bali Dive Festival is aimed to both spread the need and benefits of global awareness on reef conservation at the same time promote Pemuteran and Buleleng’s art and culture internationally.  Divers from around the world are invited to witness firsthand the beauty of marine life that Buleleng has to offer and participate in, and learning about the many conservation programs in the area. 

The festival will feature an Underwater Art Parade, Reef Check Monitoring, Underwater Photography Competition, Live Painting, Underwater Expo, Kids & Students Reef, Culinary Bazaar, Performing Art Stage, Biorock Reef Conservation Workshop and the prestigious release of  the Bedawang Nala statue (the 2016 BBDF icon).
This year the Bedawang Nala was chosen as the festival’s icon since it symbolizes Mother Earth and universal balance and harmony. The statue which is created from Biorock coral was masterfully crafted by a team of artists and Biorock specialists and will be placed on the sea floor, close to last year’s BBDF icon, the Gadjah Mina which represents the guardian of the sea.
Many arts and performances will be showcased at this impressive event including the Pemuteran Community Heritage Celebration of Gebug Ende.  The Gebug Ende combines performance art with a fighting ritual that is usually performed to invite rain during the dry season. The ritual symbolizes respect to the universe and the spirits, and asking for blessings from the gods for harmony among mankind.
This one of a kind event is free for public . The Buleleng Festival is expected to draw an attendance of  over 15,000 people.

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Borobudur International Marathon 2016

Borobudur International Marathon 2016

23 Sep 2016

The magnificent Borobudur Temple in Magelang, in the Central Java Province will again become the focus of attention when runners from across the world gather at this UNESCO World Cultural Heritage monument when the Borobudur International Marathon is staged on 20th November 2016.
Extending  the program significantly compared to previous editions, this year thousands of international and national runners will not only compete in the 10K and Half Marathon (21Km) distances but also for the Full Marathon (42Km) and Ultra Marathon (116Km) distances. There will also be a 3Km special Ambassador & Celebrity Run Category that will be participated by a number of ambassadors and Indonesia’s top celebrities.The start and finish line will be drawn at the Lumbini Garden, by the  Borobudur Temple, except for the Ultra Marathon category which will start from the
Expected to involve participation of no less than 20,000 running enthusiasts, the Borobudur International Marathon 2016 offers a total cash prize of IDR4 Billion. Highlighting the international marathon, a series of pre-events will also take place around Borobudur, namely the Central Java Borobudur Adventure Off Road on the 11th to 13th November, the Borobudur Jazz Festival on 19th November, and BTN Tour de Borobudur Cycling Event on 19th to 20th November.

The Borobudur temple is the world’s largest Buddhist monument, an ancient site widely considered as one of the world’s seven wonders. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty, the temple’s design in Gupta architecture reflects India's influence on the region, yet there are enough indigenous scenes and elements incorporated to make Borobudur uniquely Indonesian.
Located on the island of Java, the temple sits majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. It covers a huge area, measuring 123 x 123 meters. 
The monument is a marvel of design, decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The architecture and stonework of this temple have no equal.
More Information is available at:

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